Un’analisi multidimensionale della sostenibilità per l’agricoltura familiare. Il caso dell’area amazzonica peruviana                         

Working Paper Ircres-CNR 11/2017

Un’analisi multidimensionale della sostenibilità per l’agricoltura familiare. Il caso dell’area amazzonica peruviana*

A multidimensional assessment of sustainability for small farming production. The case study of the Peruvian Amazon

Andrea Prontia, Flavio Bertinariab

a CNR-IRCRES, National Research Council, Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth, via Real Collegio 30, Moncalieri (TO) – Italy

b Independent Researcher in Sustainable Farming Systems

corresponding author: andrea.pronti@ircres.cnr.it


In the last century the agricultural sector grown exponentially with outstanding increase in food productions that released poverty and malnutrition in many parts of the world. These important results have been achieved to the detriment of the environment and equity caused by massive externalities that the new productive paradigm had generated. Since 1992 sustainability in agriculture is one of the main cornerstone of the international agenda for reaching global sustainable development and reducing poverty. One of the main challenge in designing sustainable agricultural policies is the use of effective measurement of sustainability that would encompass the intrinsic multidimensionality of small farming agriculture that is characterized to be a complex socio-ecological system in which social, economic and environmental aspects strictly interacts. This paper examines the application of an experimental method of sustainability assessment using HESOFI, a measurement framework developed in Central America for small scale agriculture. The paper analyzes by the use of several indicators of sustainability thirty mixed small farms located in Peruvian Amazon. In addition, the assessment has been developed with different categories of agricultural units divided by ethnic origin (Andean or Indigenous) and by certification (Fair Trade and Organic) in order to compare the different levels of sustainability reached by each category.


Sustainable agriculture, HESOFI, Sustainability assessment, Small Farming, Amazon

JEL codes: Q01, Q12, Q29

DOI: 10.23760/2421-7158.2017.011

How to Cite this Article

Pronti A., Bertinaria F., 2017. “Un’analisi multidimensionale della sostenibilità per l’agricoltura familiare. Il caso dell’area amazzonica peruviana”, Working Paper IRCrES, vol. 3, n. 11, pp. 1-33.


* Si ringraziano la Ong Terra Nuova e RE.TE. Ong per avere contribuito a questo studio, in particolar modo si ringrazia Daniela Guasco, Carlo Prodezza e tutti gli operatori sul campo che hanno collaborato alla ricerca. Grazie a Secondo Rolfo ed Elena Pagliarino per i preziosi consigli e suggerimenti durante la realizzazione dello studio.