Lo sviluppo locale: un approccio sistemico e generativo con la leadership orizzontale. Quaderni IRCrES 15   

Quaderni IRCrES n. 15

Lo sviluppo locale: un approccio sistemico e generativo con la leadership orizzontale

Local development: a systemic and generative approach with horizontal leadership

Erica Rizziato*

con contributi di Giuseppe Vetrano ed Erika Nemmo

*CNR-IRCrES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile, Italia

corresponding author: erica.rizziato@ircres.cnr.it


This volume is divided in three parts. The first part proposes some reflections on local development strategies and the analyses of the critical points in the framework of EU polices, with the contribution of an expert, who had experimented concrete applications for over 30 years. He presents how was possible for him to overcome the difficult implementation of the EU LEADER approach thanks to the methodology of horizontal leadership for integrated organizations and territories (LOOI), developed in a CNR-IRCrES project.

The second part describes the basics of the LOOI methodology, which proposes a systemic approach and generate new process and competences, briefly described as systemic competences and meta competences framework for a local development expert.

The third part describes two application cases of the methodology: one is about a cooperation projects among 4 territories in Sicily, the other is about placement, after university, considered as a particular type of local development, connecting within a specific territory Universities, young people and organizations.

Keywords: complexity, leadership, organization and local development, horizontal leadership, competences, placement.

DOI: 10.23760/2499-6661.2022.15

ISBN: 978-88-98193-28-8

How to Cite this Book

Rizziato, E. (2022). Lo sviluppo locale: un approccio sistemico e generativo con la leadership orizzontale. Quaderni IRCrES 15. Moncalieri: CNR-IRCrES. http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2022.15