RISIS 2 – Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies



Anno di inizio

2019 In corso

Responsabile scientifico

Emanuela Reale


Université Gustav Eiffel (Parigi)


Commissione Europea Horizon 2020


The European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies (RISIS) aims at building a data and services infrastructure supporting the development of a new generation of analyses and indicators.

To develop a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics and policy relevant evidence, the project goes beyond established quantitative indicators, developing positioning indicators, which take into account critical features of knowledge dynamics i.e. the importance of asymmetries in producers, in places and in themes.

RISIS2 datasets are built keeping information on these three dimensions.

To exploit them, new services dealing with actor identification, geographical information and thematic foci are developed, as well as semantic analytical capabilities.

This project builds on RISIS1 (2014-18), which has demonstrated the relevance of such an approach and opened access to a first set of databases and services.

This infrastructure is freely accessible to European researchers, once they have registered and signed the charter of good practice.

Maggiori informazioni

  1. Reale, E., Spinello, A.O., Varinetti, E., Zinilli, A. (2023). Documentation of RISIS datasets: EFIL. Version 2.0 RISIS 2 – European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2, grant agreement 824091. Available on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/7938134#.ZGtopnZByUl
  2. Zinilli, A., Spinello, A.O., Reale, E. (2022). Transnational public research funding in Europe: exploring the proximity dimensions in the ERA-NET programs. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2, pp. 52–73.
  3. Zinilli, A., Reale, E., Spinello, A.O., Varinetti, E. (2022). “Diversification vs. specialization from the perspective of research programmes: a complexity approach”. In N. Robinson-Garcia, D. Torres-Salinas, & W. Arroyo-Machado (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, STI 2022(sti2256).
  4. Heller-Schuh, B., Reale, E., Scherngell, T., Spinello, A.O., Varinetti, E., Zahradnik, G., Zinilli, A. (2022). New insights into project-based R&D funding from RISIS datasets: Some evidence from EFIL and NATPRO. RISIS Policy Brief Series, Issue #10, May 2022. Available on Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6549168
  5. Reale, E., Spinello, A.O., Varinetti, E., Zinilli, A. (2022). Documentation of RISIS datasets: EFIL. Version 1.0. RISIS 2 – European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2, grant agreement 824091. Available on Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6367802
  6. Spinello, A.O., Reale, E., Zinilli, A. (2021). Outlining the orientation toward socially relevant issues in competitive R&D funding instruments. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6:712839
  7. Zinilli, A. (2021). Imputation methods for estimating public R&D funding: evidence from longitudinal data. Qual Quant 55, 707–729.
  8. Lepori B., Reale E. (2019). “The changing governance of research systems. Agencification and organizational differentiation in research funding organizations”. In Dagmar Simon, Weert Canzler and Stefan Kuhlmann (eds), Handbook of Science and Public Policy, Palgrave Mcmillan, 448-465.
  9. Reale E., Zinilli A. (2019). “La partecipazione italiana ai Programmi Quadro Europei: la struttura delle reti di collaborazione”. In CNR, Relazione sullo stato della ricerca e dell’innovazione, CNR Edizioni, Roma, 19-48 ISBN 978-88-8080-356-0
  10. Zinilli A., Spinello A.O., Reale E. (2019). Finanziamento e valutazione della ricerca pubblica: l’approccio performance-based. in Welfare E Ergonomia, 1, 17-28.
  11. Reale E. (2018). “Il finanziamento pubblico per Ricerca e Sviluppo. Le politiche dell’Italia in prospettiva comparata”. in Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Relazione sulla ricerca e l’innovazione. Analisi e dati di politica della scienza e della tecnologia, Edizioni CNR, Roma, ISBN 9788880802709, p. 225-254.
  12. Spinello A.O. (2018), Data on joint programming in the European Research Area: An overview of JoREP 2.0 database, Rapporto Tecnico IRCrES-CNR, n. 5/2018.
  13. Reale E., Spinello A.O., Zinilli A. (2016), “The Determinants of National Funding in Trans-national Joint Research: Exploring the Proximity Dimensions” in Rafols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E., Woolley R. (ed.), “Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators” (pp. 590-597), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, ISBN: 978-84- 9048-519-4.
  14. B. Lepori, E. Reale, and P. Larédo (2014), “Logics of integration and actors’ strategies in european joint programs,” Research policy, vol. 43, iss. 2, pp. 391-402, 2014.