Quaderni IRCrES 16. Cap.13

Archeofish project. Fishing, food processing, and commerce in Greek and Roman Sicily

Darío Bernal-Casasolaa, Daniele Malfitanab, Antonino Mazzagliac, José Juan Díaza

Video maker, filmmaker and video editor: Danilo P. Pavone

aUCA, University of Cádiz, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Av. Gomez Ulla s/n, 11003 Cádiz, Spain

bUNICT-DISUM, University of Catania, Department of Humanistic Science, 32 Piazza Dante, Catania, Italy

cCNR-ISPC, National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Heritage Science, local branch of Catania, Via Biblioteca 4, 95124 Catania, Italy

corresponding author: nino.mazzaglia@cnr.it



This paper is complementary to the video presented at Blue Planet Economy (BPE) European Maritime Forum 2021. The study of ancient sites, related to fishing and its related production activities, is of great importance in order to achieve a full understanding of the social, cultural, and economic values of the Greek and Roman worlds. In this perspective, the Archeofish project plans to operate by bringing together the interdisciplinary and complementary skills of two different Italian-Spanish research groups, in order to define a protocol, based on a common methodology, that can be successfully applied to the study of different production sites related to fishing and fish processing, which have operated in the Mediterranean area. The concrete experience in the archaeological site of Baelo Claudia is certainly among the best known. This site has been selected as one of the most representative cases of this type of production sites operating in the Roman age in the Mediterranean. In addition, the transposition of the experience acquired in the Sicilian site of Portopalo di Capo Passero (SR), selected for its informative potential, has offered the basis for the improvement of our knowledge, and for the definition and verification of the adopted methodology.


Keywords: Greek and Roman fish-salting plants, Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sr), Vendicari (Sr), ancient fishing activities.


How to Cite this Article

Bernal-Casasola, D., Malfitana, D., Mazzaglia, A., Díaz J.J., (2022). Archeofish project. Fishing, food processing, and commerce in Greek and Roman Sicily. In Vitali, G. & Zoppi, I.M. (eds). CNR case histories in the Blue Planet Economy (pp. 87-94). Quaderni IRCrES 16. Moncalieri, TO: CNR-IRCrES. http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2022.16.13