L’impatto economico e fiscale di un evento culturale: misure e scala territoriale

Working Paper CNR-Ircres 03/2020

L’impatto economico e fiscale di un evento culturale: misure e scala territoriale

The economic and fiscal impact analysis of a cultural event: measures and territorial scale

Giovanna Segrea, Andrea Morellib[*]

a Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino

CNR-IRCrES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerca sulla crescita economica sostenibile, Moncalieri (To)

b Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca di Studi Urbani e sugli Eventi Omero, Università di Torino

corresponding author: giovanna.segre@unito.it


In this working paper we study the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, by analyzing the case of the 30th Salone Internazionale del Libro, held in Turin in 5 days in May 2017. The aim is to examine the positive economic effects that this cultural event generates on the territory, highlighting the differences in the results obtained by referring to the Piedmont region and to the Turin metropolitan area. Overall, the analysis indicates an impact of approximately € 41.6 million on the Piedmont region, 29 million of which on the Turin metropolitan area, generated by direct expenses incurred by visitors and event organizers. Furthermore, the results show a “leverage effect” of the public intervention equal to 15.85, i.e. for each public euro invested in this cultural event, € 15.85 is produced in the regional economy, and a multiplier of return on investment equal to 0.56, i.e. for each euro invested by the public sector, € 0.56 comes back into their funds in terms of fiscal revenues.

Keywords: economic impact, fiscal impact, cultural events, publishing sector.

JEL codes: H44, Z18, Z32

DOI: 10.23760/2421-7158.2020.003

How to Cite this Article

Segre, G., & Morelli, A. (2020). L’impatto economico e fiscale di un evento culturale: misure e scala territoriale (CNR-IRCrES Working Paper 3/2020). Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile. Disponibile da http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2421-7158.2020.003


[*] Pur essendo il presente testo frutto di un lavoro congiunto, a Giovanna Segre sono attribuiti i paragrafi 1, 2, 3, 4 e ad Andrea Morelli i paragrafi 5, 6, 7, 8.