Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, (2018) vol. 3, n. 3 cap. 5

“L’ora dei diamanti estremi”: il lessico del mare nei romanzi di Francesco Biamonti

“The hour of the extreme diamonds”: the sea lexicon of Francesco Biamonti’s novels

Mauro Bico

Phd in Linguistica, Università di Firenze
corresponding author: maurobico@libero.it


This article discusses the deep meanings of the word ‘‘sea’’ in the work of Francesco Biamonti by analysing the different connotations that this key-concept covers in the author’s literary aesthetic and in his conception of the world. To support this idea, several quotes are taken from Biamonti’s works, where they interweave with statements made during meetings and conventions as well as interviews. They have been gathered and divided into different categories such as mare lirico-filosofico, mare memoriale, esistenziale, psicanalitico along with mare naturale-atmosferico e mare “tecnico” (technicalities linked to navigation), on a more pragmatic ground.

Thus, the essay then focuses the Mediterrenean Sea, Biamonti’s second key word, whose great significance for this work is proved using Paul Valéry’s quotes and references from Marsiglia, another fundamental reference point for the human and literary geography proposed by Biamonti. Finally, this article attempts to establish a link with the song Gratis by Paolo Conte: its lyrics, centred on Marsiglia, might reveal an interesting affinity between Biamonti and the songwriter.

Keywords: Sea Lexicon, Mediterrenean Sea, Marsiglia, Paul Valéry.

DOI: 10.23760/2499-6661.2018.013

How to Cite this Article

Mauro Bico, 2018. “L’ora dei diamanti estremi: il lessico del mare nei romanzi di Francesco Biamonti”, in Emina A. (a cura di), Narrazioni dal Secolo Breve. Ripensare il Mediterraneo, Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, vol. 3, n. 3, pp. 55-70, http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2018.013