Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, (2018) vol. 3, n. 3 cap. 6
La terza dimensione dei paesaggi di Francesco Biamonti
The third-dimensional landscapes of Francesco Biamonti
Isabella Maria Zoppi
CNR-IRCRES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerca per la Crescita Economica Sostenibile, via Real Collegio 30, Moncalieri (TO) – Italia
corresponding author: isabella.zoppi@ircres.cnr.it
This essay focuses mainly on Francesco Biamonti’s fiction but it also grounds on a close analysis of his non-fiction works and interviews. Its core is to show how Biamonti’s writing deeply concerns his own Ligurian landscape, the garigue, the scrubland and the Mediterranean Sea. This will be achieved through the highlighting of the very peculiar way in which the writer evokes his smellscape – thanks to highly conscious perceptions and language skills – in order to mold for his readers a three-dimensional narration of his homeland.
Keywords: Mediterranean landscape, smellscape, Italian literature.
DOI: 10.23760/2499-6661.2018.014
How to Cite this Article
Zoppi I. M., 2018. “La terza dimensione dei paesaggi di Francesco Biamonti”, in Emina A. (a cura di), Narrazioni dal Secolo Breve. Ripensare il Mediterraneo, Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, vol. 3, n. 3, pp. 71-78, http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2018.014