Quaderni IRCrES 17. Cap.4

Capitolo 4
MITO SettembreMusica: peculiarità di un festival ad alto impatto locale

Andrea Morellia, Giovanna Segreb,c

a Università degli Studi di Torino, OMERO, Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca in studi urbani, Campus Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100 A, 10153 Torino, Italia

b Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis”, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100/A, 10154 Torino, Italia

c CNR-IRCrES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile, Strada delle Cacce 73, 10135 Torino, Italia

Corresponding author: giovanna.segre@unito.it



This chapter examines the 42nd edition of the “MITO SettembreMusica” festival, one of the most popular and successful Italian classical music events, which took place in Turin and Milan in September 2019. The aim is to understand the characteristics of the demand for classical music concerts and the makeup of its audience. The study describes the audience’s socio-demographic and cultural consumption characteristics and the degree of satisfaction in relation to several festival features. The data are collected from a sample of 2,798 spectators who attended at least one MITO 2019 concert. Additionally, the study presents a first attempt to understand the social and cultural impacts potentially generated by MITO, investigating how participation in the festival affects the well-being and quality of life of spectators.

Keywords: classical music, festivals, cultural consumption.


DOI: 10.23760/2499-6661.2023.17.04

ISBN: 978-88-98193-32- 5

ISSN (online): 2499-6661


How to Cite

Segre, G., Morelli, A. (2022). MITO SettembreMusica: peculiarità di un festival ad alto impatto locale. In Segre, G. & Vitali, G. (a cura di). Torino creativa. Specializzazioni, impatti e profili di consumo (Quaderni IRCrES, 17). Torino: CNR-IRCrES, pp. 53-78. Disponibile da http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2023.17.04