
Rota Francesca Silvia
Rota Francesca Silvia
Ricercatore Associato

Strada delle Cacce, 73 10135 - Torino


Francesca Silvia Rota, economic geographer with a Phd in Territorial Planning and Local Development, is currently Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti De Martiis” (University of Turin) where she holds courses on “Economic Geography” and “Sustainable Tourism”. Also, she is Associate Researcher at the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth (IRCRES) of the National Research Council of Italy. She holds a Degree in Architecture and a PhD in Territorial Planning and Local Development (with a thesis on the Regional Innovation Systems) from the Polytechnic and University of Torino. She participated in several projects at the national and European scale, mainly dealing with socio-ecological processes, land use change management, regional and urban development and territorial governance. Her research interests are diverse and include local development, competitiveness, sustainability and resilience. Recently, she has focused on the study of tourism systems and territorial development in peri-rural and mountainous areas.

Curriculum Vitae
