Comprendere le trasformazioni di San Lorenzo, Roma

Working Paper CNR-Ircres 2/2024

Comprendere le trasformazioni di San Lorenzo, Roma
Un tentativo di ordine concettuale tra gentrificazione e politica urbana

Antonia Astore*, Luca Tricarico**

*Ricercatrice indipendente

**CNR-IRCrES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile, Roma, Italia

corresponding authors:,



This working paper is the result of a preliminary research phase aimed to indagate the phenomenon of gentrification in Rome’s San Lorenzo neighborhood, examining the perception of the phenomenon and the urban planning tools that have been adopted until today to contain it. The experimental framework proposed, based on qualitative research methods, aims to discuss if some urban transformations can be related only to market phenomenon inherent to gentrification or to the lack of planning tools able to manage – through the construction of a shared view on neighborhoods development – the negative externalities resulting from the real estate investments induced by the tourism sector and linked to the presence of universities in the reference territory. The research combines an international theoretical framework; the analysis of the policies and of the urban transformation during the contemporary history of the neighborhood; interviews to key stakeholders such as representatives of local institutions and associations, researchers, inhabitants, and others. The research approach intends to deepen the general perception and the comprehension of the phenomenon of gentrification from the local community, in relation to his own involvement in decision-making processes about the strategic regulatory-prescriptive development of the neighborhood. The primary objective of the working paper is to advocate for an analytical framework that facilitates a better understanding of gentrification within the national context and explores potential institutional responses. It seeks to clarify the concept of gentrification, which is often misunderstood when interpreted solely through its Anglo-Saxon definition. By doing so, the paper aims to contribute to informed discussions and effective policy making regarding urban development in San Lorenzo and beyond.

Keywords: gentrification, studentification, airbnbification, spatial planning.

DOI: 10.23760/2421-7158.2024.002


How to Cite

Astore, A., & Tricarico, L. (2024). Comprendere le trasformazioni di San Lorenzo, Roma. Un tentativo di ordine concettuale tra gentrificazione e politica urbana. (CNR-IRCrES Working Paper 1/2024). Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile.