
Cariola Monica
Cariola Monica
Primo Ricercatore

Strada delle Cacce, 73 10135 - Turin


Monica Cariola is senior researcher at IRCrES-CNR. Laurea 110/110 cum laude in Economics, University of Turin and postgraduate in Foresight at PREST, Manchester University (UK). After 2 years as Economic-financial Analyst in a private Company, since 1989 she works at IRCrES, (former CERIS). Currently she is responsible for all IRCrEs activities within the PNRR-RAISE, Spoke 4 and is co-leader of Project 8 (on green technologies). At IRCrES she has been Scientific Leader of the Research Units “Innovation” and “Innovative public policy evaluation” and Project or WP leader in several European/National Research Projects, especially in the field of innovation, industrial sectors analysis, economic-social impact analysis of green technologies, technology Foresight, public policies analysis and evaluation (e.g.. EU Project “iMERA – ERA-NET” 2004-2007; EU-FSE POR, 2000-2006; EU Project EQUAL- PRIMEALI, 2005-2008; NANOBUILD” within POR FESR 07/13). More recently she has been responsible of the research projects within the Innovation Pole on “Environmentally sustainable Building”, (Piedmont Region), task leader within the CSA H2020 “HAPPEN – Holistic APproach for the deep renovation of the Med residential built Environment” and coordinator of “The Economy Mirror Platform” within the European CSA BLUEMED (Horizon 2020, 2017-2021). From 2002 to 2006, she was visiting professor at the Polytechnics of Turin for the courses of “Economics” and of “Management”. Among the others, she has been member of the “International Foresight S&T Group”, supporting the CNR strategic planning.
Curriculum Vitae
