
Pagliarino Elena
Pagliarino Elena

Strada delle Cacce, 73 10135 - Turin

+39 011-3977.627

PhD in Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences from the University of Turin, she has been working at the Cnr (National Research Council) of Italy since 2000. Specializing in the primary sector, she delves into the intricate relationship between sustainability, ethics, and the processes and transformations within the agri-food chain. Employing qualitative research methods, she brings a wealth of experience in transdisciplinary and participatory research. As a scientific manager, she leads various projects and collaborations at both national and international levels. Beyond her academic pursuits, she dedicated to scientific dissemination and public engagement, exemplified by her involvement in the steering committee of the Italian Network of Weec (World Environmental Education Congress) and in the editorial board of the “.eco l’educazione sostenibile” magazine”

Explore her studies encompassing:

  1. **Food Choices:** Investigating food choices for children, young people, and the elderly in collective, school, and health catering settings.
  2. **Circular Economy of Italian Wool:** Examining the economy of Italian wool from a circular economy perspective, with a focus on enhancing non-food supply chains.
  3. **Sustainable Intensification:** Exploring the role of research, communication, and education in promoting the sustainable intensification of agricultural production, fishing, and aquaculture.
Curriculum Vitae
