Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, (2018) vol. 3, n. 2 cap. 2

Il Mediterraneo: mare della diversità e della condivisione

The Mediterranean: a Sea of Diversity and Sharing


Direttore Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo (EDM) – Storico del Mediterraneo – Italia

corresponding author: mybrondino@gmail.com



Always at the centre of history, the Mediterranean of the 21st century is more than ever in the heart of the strategies of world geopolitics by virtue of its great energy resources. It is a mythical sea that unites and divides, dominated today by the new neoliberal economy of profit-driven economic globalization under US supervision. However, its current crisis is seen as a clash of civilizations opposing different cultures, primarily Jewish-Christian and Arab-Muslim cultures. In this contrasting framework, it requires the resumption of its civil societies that have always been characterized by the values of democracy and human rights through dialogue, conviviality and solidarity.

Keywords: Civilization, conviviality, crisis, diversity, geopolitics, globalization, Mediterranean, new economy, myth, hostage.

DOI: 10.23760/2499-6661.2018.005


How to cite this article:

Brondino Michele, 2018. “Il Mediterraneo: mare della diversità e della condivisione”, in Emina A. (a cura di), Territori e Scenari. Ripensare il Mediterraneo, Quaderni IRCrES-CNR, vol. 3, n. 2, pp. 13-24, http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2018.005


∗ Riprendiamo parzialmente il nostro articolo già apparso con il titolo “Il Mediterraneo del XXI secolo ostaggio della storia”, 2015.