SWarD Project

Embark on a journey through history with the Scholars at War Digital Library (SWarD), a groundbreaking project dedicated to connecting knowledge and politics. Our mission is to provide the “society of knowledge” with a comprehensive repository of primary sources, ranging from autobiographies to political writings, spanning the period between the Franco-Prussian War (1870) and the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).
SWarD, a Project of Research of National Interest (PRIN 2022), is a collaborative effort involving the Universities of Catania, Cagliari, Perugia per Stranieri, and CNR-IRCrES. Our interdisciplinary team is committed to studying philology and linguistics not only as fields of knowledge but also as products of specific historical contexts, shaped by the policies of State-Nations and driven by often undisclosed ideological motives.
Through the innovative Byterfly repository, equipped with a user-friendly Google-style search engine and robust metadata functionality, researchers will have access to a wealth of digital resources. From exploring linguistic connections with society and politics to uncovering the hidden social implications of intellectual production, SWarD aims to redefine the study of Philology and Romance Linguistics as “militant” sciences.
Scheduled for launch by the end of 2025, the SWarD Digital Library promises to be a transformative tool for scholars across various academic disciplines. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery as we reshape the landscape of contemporary historical research.


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