Scholars at War Digital Library: an Innovative Environment for Advanced Document Management



Kick off

2023 Ongoing

Scientific leader

Lorenzetti Edoardo

Lead partner of the project

Stefano Rapisarda - Università degli Studi di Catania

Funding organization

MUR - PRIN 2022


The project “Scholars at War Digital Library: an Innovative Environment for Advanced Documents Management” (acronym SWarD) aims to offer to the “society of knowledge” a new repository of primary sources connecting knowledge and politics, like autobiographies, mémoirs, political writings, correspondences of European academics, especially philologist and linguists, between the chronological extremes of the Franco-Prussian War (1870) and the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).

The Team is joined by the purpose to study philology and linguistics not only as bodies of knowledge in themselves, but also as sciences produced in given historical contexts in order to serve the policies of State-Nations, and often propelled by ideological intentions, not openly declared, which should be evidenced for an appropriate interpretation of scientific work of that age.
We take the move from the Scholars in Arms Digital Library (, collected by the Catania Unit in past years thanks to local grants, to implement it and develop it in a new innovative repository. It will be a tool for researchers aiming to investigating philology and linguistic connections with society and politics in contemporary history, in order to highlight the social facts behind intellectual production, rethinking Philology and Romance Linguistics in their original context of ‘militant’ sciences. It will be opened to acquisitions in other academic disciplines.

Currently, if someone is looking for the word “Bédier” or “Berlin” or “El Cid campeador” he/she has to make 48 interrogations (and some texts are not-interrogable because they have not been digitized with OCR); in the new release this will be possible with only one basic command. The repository Byterfly, where the documents will be stored, has a google style search engine, moreover with the intensive use of metadata it will be possible to search with keywords, authors, date, to use facet and to connect documents.
In short, the Team will:
– produce original research
– provide implementation of a Digital Library of primary sources;
– develop a new innovative repository, in order to promote easy open access and advanced search.
SWarD project intends to promote digital innovation to be offered to a “society of knowledge”. This sort of implementation is possible only thanks to external resources coming from a cooperative project, as required by art.1, c.2 (“progetti biennali che per complessità e natura possono richiedere la collaborazione di più professori/ricercatori, le cui esigenze di finanziamento eccedono la normale disponibilità delle singole istituzioni”) in the framework of the objective prescribed by comma 1 (“rafforzare le interazioni tra università ed enti di ricerca in linea con gli obiettivi tracciati dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)”).

More informations

