ABandonment and REbound: SOcietal views on landscape- and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils



Kick off

2021 Ongoing

Scientific leader

Sella Lisa

Lead partner of the project

Pennsylvania State University

Funding organization

Belmont Forum


ABRESO addresses soil and water sustainability in landscapes undergoing transitions. Management and social-cultural changes create transitions, altering watershed properties in a manner that stakeholders may not understand or appreciate. Yet changes affect stakeholders, what they want to preserve or change, and their views of land management strategies. The general theme of this project, to occur in France, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, and the United States, is to determine actual and perceived effects of land use transitions on critical zone (CZ). Actual effects will consider biogeochemical cycles under changing inputs of altered land management. Perceived effects will consider stakeholder expectation, preference and evaluation of ecosystem services and disservices. We will investigate whether heterogeneity in perceptions depends on stakeholders’ characteristics (e.g., urban vs. rural, resident vs. visitor, etc.), and how change is framed across different spatial scales (e.g., local and watershed scale or beyond). Finally, we will examine associations between perceptions and support for land use change and management decisions.

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