Evaluation of the SEED call (Social Enterprises Efficiency and Development)



Kick off

2019 Ongoing

Scientific leader

Giuseppe Giulio Calabrese

Lead partner of the project


Funding organization

Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo


The Seed Call aims to strengthen the fabric of social cooperatives, triggering processes of organizational and management renewal through external consulting.

The Call was launched for the first time in 2018 and, therefore, it is not possible to have previous feedback that can constitute a road map for both the implementor and the evaluator. The aim is to reflect on all aspects of the experience and to draw lessons that not only concern the overall validity of the device, but also the adequacy of the choices made (approaches, tools, criteria, resources) in relation to the objectives indicated and the target identified.

The evaluation consists of a plurality of analytical activities, aimed at answering evaluation questions on different levels that correspond to: Design of the call/intervention; Implementation of the call/intervention; Results and impacts of the call/intervention.

More informations

Calabrese G.G. e Falavigna G. (2021), “Le cooperative sociali prima e durante il Covid-19; un’analisi economico-finanziaria tramite benchmarking”, Impresa Sociale, N. 3, pp. 50-60. DOI: 10.7425/IS.2021.03.05

Calabrese G.G. e Emmanuele Massagli (2021), “Un’alternativa semplice ed efficace al reddito pubblico”, Il sole 24ore, 10 novembre, pg. 16.

Calabrese G.G. e Falavigna G. (2021), “Diversamente impresa sarai tu: analisi economico-finanziaria delle cooperative sociali di Tipo B tramite benchmarking”, In XLII Conferenza scientifica annuale AISRe, Webconference, 8-10 settembre 2021.

Benati I., Calabrese G.G., Manello A. e Ragazzi E. (2020), “Measuring investment readiness: a tool for the evaluation of policies for social firms”. In XLI Conferenza scientifica annuale AISRe, Webconference,, 2-4 Settembre 2020.