TOP METRO – E1-CORV “Corona Verde” – Governance

Kick off

2020 Ongoing

Scientific leader

Francesca Silvia Rota

Lead partner of the project

Ires Piemonte

Funding organization

Regione Piemonte


TOP METRO – E1-CORV “Corona Verde” – Governance is a project lead by Piedmont Region and financed with the Fund Periferie of the Italian Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Assets. It arises from the need to identify development actions at an inter-municipal scale in the Metropolitan City of Turin, which have to be consistent with the vision of the project Corona Verde and the Metropolitan Territorial Strategic Plan. The project addresses to the involvement of the different levels of government (Region, Metropolitan City, the 11 contiguous Municipalities of Beinasco, Borgaro, Collegno, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Nichelino, Orbassano, Rivoli, Settimo, San Mauro and Venaria) and for the search for of synergies between the various public policies of sustainable development and urban regeneration. Concerning the large area scale of intervention, IRES Piemonte has appointed IRCRES for the process of identifying three possible models of governance of the territory of Corona Verde.