Young People: integrated, united, protagonist


Young IN&UP

Kick off

2019 Closed

Scientific leader

Elena Ragazzi

Lead partner of the project

Fondazione Piazza dei Mestieri "Marco Andreoni"

Funding organization

European Union, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)2014-2020 Contracting Authority: Italian Ministry of Interiors


Young IN&UP develops models of educational intervention and socialization for migrant students and models for the school-family-educational community alliance; it is in continuity with the FAMI Oltre i Muri project and involves a network of Italian schools and foreign associates in Liège, Chambery, Hamburg and Palmela (Setubal). The activities of the project include the consolidation of the transnational community, the activation of experiential workshops in the Primary and Secondary School for the involvement of young people from outside the EU and their families, workshops for sharing models of intervention between Italian and foreign partners; consolidation, dissemination and sustainability activities.

As part of the project, IRCres collaborates through the definition of the intervention model, the analysis of national and international good practices, the definition of a model for monitoring the progress of the participants and for evaluating the impact of the implemented actions.

More informations

Lamonica V., Ragazzi E., Sella L. (2019). “Educating community and resilience, a way to integrate young disadvantaged migrants” in First International Conference of Scuola Democratica “Education and Post-democracy”, Cagliari 6-8 June

Valentina Lamonica Elena Ragazzi Lisa Sella (2019) “Il ruolo della valutazione nelle politiche per l’inclusione scolastica dei migranti” in XXII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Valutazione AIV “La cultura della valutazione: diffusione e traiettorie di sviluppo”, Venezia, 1 – 3 aprile 2019